However, the proletariat is free of the control of the state. People from the upper classes follow the "Ingsoc" philosophy, and are under permanent surveillance of Big Brother through the "telescreen", a monitor that is a television and also spies the life of each individual. 1984, Oceania is an omnipresent state ruled by Big Brother with a totalitarian society and in permanent war, presently against Eurasia, with the intention of keeping the proletariat without education and possibility of capital accumulation. Ultimately, it leads him to O'Brien, a member of the Inner Party who sets Winston on an irreversible course of discovery. This prompts Winston to explore deeper the blur between propaganda and reality. However, to his surprise, she reveals herself as a subversive, and they embark on an illicit and dangerous relationship. She wears the distinctive sash of the ultra-zealous Anti-Sex League, and Winston fears that she is an informant. Winston begins to notice that a young Party member, Julia, is watching him. In doing so, he becomes a thought-criminal. When by chance, Winston uncovers incontrovertible proof that the Party is lying, he embarks on a journey of self-questioning. Winston works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, the section charged with modifying historical news archives for consistency. Winston Smith is a Party worker, part of the vast social caste known as the "Outer Party", the rank and file of the sprawling apparatus of government. They form part of an elaborate surveillance system used by the Ministry of Love, and its dreaded Agents, the "Thought Police", to serve their singular goal: the elimination of "thoughtcrime". These devices, which pervade all aspects of peoples' lives, are also capable of monitoring their every word and action. The Ministry of Truth broadcasts ceaselessly to the population via its inescapable network of telescreens. Far away on the Malabar Front, a seemingly interminable war rages against Eastasia. In the year 1984, rocket bombs and rats prey on the inhabitants of the crumbling metropolis of London. If they are caught by the Thought Police, they will discover the lengths Big Brother takes to control brothers and sisters, and in the process learn what is reality and what is manufactured by the Party for its own end. Although suspect of her at first, Winston discovers another subversive working inside the bureaucracy, a young woman named Julia, the two who fall in love in their shared pro-freedom values. However if the Party knew, Winston would be considered a criminal as he has been keeping a diary of his individual thoughts, he writing out of sight of the cameras, and has been clandestinely purchasing banned items from a black marketeer, Charrington. Winston Smith is a seemingly faithful low level bureaucrat for the Party, his job to rewrite history to the Party's guidelines, in the process he destroying any hard evidence of the reality of actual history. Anyone breaking the rules, in action or thought - the latter called ThoughtCrimes - are dealt with by the Thought Police. Individual freedoms are seen as the cause of all society's problems, hence Big Brother's control over what everyone says and does, which includes a move to end not only the thought and practice but also the need for love and sex. When not broadcasting, a still photograph of Big Brother is on the screen representing his omnipresence. Big Brother is ever seeing through a two-way camera system, which not only broadcasts continually about the regime and its fight against enemies, especially the resistance led by Emmanuel Goldstein, but has eyes on the populace, who are referred to as brothers and sisters. It is ruled by a totalitarian regime led by Big Brother espousing an ideology called Ingsoc. It's 1984 in the Territory of Oceania, formerly England.